Ever notice that every matrix and graph library seems to have a different interface for constructing matrices? Also notice that each only only supports some subset of common matrix formats? With a little help from the Adapter and Builder design patterns we can actually solve this problem.

Design Overview


In this design, we have 2 main actors: Parser andBuilder as well as their implementations ParserImpl and BuilderImpl. It allows us to write code like this in c++:

#include <fstream>
#include <matrixloader/parser/matrixmarket.hpp>
#include <matrixloader/builder/boostgraph.hpp>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	using namespace matrixloader;
	typedef BoostGraphBuilder<double> bgb;
	std::ifstream matrix_file{argv[1]};
	auto builder = std::make_unique<bgb>();
	auto parser = std::make_unique<MatrixMarketParser<bgb>>(std::move(builder));
	auto matrix = parser.load(matrix_file);
	return 0;

I have chosen to mock up the interface in C++ because of its expressiveness with generic types. I have also created an implementation of the library in python and as a header only library in C++.

Builder Interface

The Builder class is an implementation of the Builder pattern so that Parser classes have a common interface to use to construct matrices and graphs. The Builder class is an abstract generic class that provides three methods: add_edge, reserve and build, and require 2 types: Value and Matrix.

The Value type represents the type of a particular edge weight. The Matrix type represents the graph or matrix of Values. Often these types vary jointly, but are, in fact, different. For example double is not viable where a vector<dobule> is. Additionally it is not always possible to extract the subtype from the collection like it is with vector<int>::value_type. Sure, you could probably do some SFINAE or reflection nonsense to make a reasonable guess for most cases, but this is not always possible.


reserve is used to provide hints about the size of the resulting matrix and takes 3 parameters rows, columns, and nonzeros.

An earlier version of this interface did not provide the nonzeros argument. It was added because the earlier interface was not suitable for providing accurate hints for sparse matrices which often expect the number of nonzero entries for efficient construction.

Notice, the use of the word hints. The implementation is not required to honor the arguments to this function if not practical. Take for example the Graph class form python’s networkx package, it provides no means to indicate how many nodes or edges – let alone nonzeros – to expect. Therefore its implementation of Builder has a no-op for this method.


add_edge is used to indicate a value of an edge. This function unconditionally requires an edge value because in the event that weights are not meaningful, the parser implantation can simply pass 1 to create an adjacency matrix.


build constructs or returns the final matrix. Some libraries like networkx do not provide batch more efficient batch construction methods, whereas libraries like scipy.sparse are not efficient without them. Therefore the implementation could choose to construct the graph/matrix representation when the constructor is called, or wait until build is called to finally construct the matrix. For this reason, calling build more than one time may cause undefined behavior.


The BuilderImpl is simply an Adapter to the specific matrix interface of the matrix construction methods. It exists so that we have a common interface for matrix construction.

Parser Design

Parser is an abstract generic class that provides one method Builder::Matrix parse(std::istream&). It is generic on only one type Builder which is expected to conform the Interface Builder. For languages that do not allow for type alias to be members of a class (IE Java), It should be generic on two types Builder and Matrix where Matrix is the Matrix type passed to Builder.

The reason for taking an std::istream over something more common like a std::string or a const char * is threefold:

  1. There is a class called std::istringstream that provides an adapter from these types to std::istream
  2. The most common use case for this use case is loading from a file.
  3. For several reasons we may not read the whole file and thus do not need to load it all into memory.

A previous version of the this interface accepted std::string by line and return void (requiring a call to build on Builder), but this was changed for three reasons:

  1. It avoids excess code on the common case by wrapping it.
  2. Some matrix file formats are not newline delimited making an awkward interface to implement for binary files.
  3. It reduces the number of objects that need to be passed around.


ParserImpl simply implements the Parser interface for the format desired such as MatrixMarket or EdgeList in terms of contained the Builder interface by reading the file.


While by no means is this a definitive interface for matrix construction, I think it serves a good start. Well until next time happy coding!