CMake is the de-facto C++ build system used by an overwhelming number of C++ projects. Even if you personally favor more modern alternatives such as Meson, Bazel, or Pants, if you ever pull in a 3rd party dependency, there is a good chance that it uses CMake so knowing enough about CMake to understand it is worth knowing.

How to get started

I recommend new users to CMake start with the following resources:

  • Mastering CMake is a high level overview of how to use CMake developed and maintained by the CMake Developers.
  • Modern CMake Is focuses on a useful subset of CMake for a number of common tasks.

Using CMake to build something

If a package cmake 3.15 or newer (most people), the following sequence will build and install a cmake project

cmake -S ./path/to/sourcedir -B ./path/to/builddir
cmake --build -j $(nproc)
cmake --install

Here ./path/to/sourcedir is the directory where you source files (specifically the “toplevel” CMakeLists.txt is stored). and ./path/to/builddir is a directory (which may not exist) where you want to store build artifacts prior to installation.

You can customize the build by passing flags to the first cmake command. I commonly use the following

cmake -S ./path/to/sourcedir -B ./path/to/builddir \
        -G Ninja \
        -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(pwd)/.local \
        -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug \
cmake --build -j $(nproc)
cmake --install

To prefer the Ninja build generator, and ccache for faster development builds with shared libraries installed to my user’s prefix instaed of the the / or /usr prefix which may require admin privledges and to enable LLVM based tooliing (i.e. clangd for completions in my editor). These preferences are encoded into my m build tool.

CMake also respects GNU style envionment variables (i.e. CXX, CC, CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS, and LDLIBS) to pick up common defaults.

Key Commands

Required boilerplate that must appear at the top of your top-level cmake

  • cmake_minimum_required
  • project


  • add_library and add_executable create build objects
  • target_link_libraries and PUBLIC vs PRIVATE to consume dependancies (including their header file flags) and link libraries
  • target_include_directories to set include paths not provided by link libraries
  • target_compile_features a portable way to set the C++ standard
  • Basic generator expressions such as $<BUILD_INTERFACE:> vs $<INSTALL_INTERFACE:> for use with target_include_directories
  • add_subdirectory for code organization

Adding 3rd party dependencies. Do yourself a favor and put all dependencies imports at the top level so the scope is right for the whole project.

  • find_package to import dependancies built using CMake and certain system dependancies such as threads, MPI, Python, and OpenMP.
  • find_package(PkgConfig) and pkg_search_modules to import dependencies described by pkg-config
  • FetchContent download and provide dependencies as part of the build, but consider instead third party tools such as spack, connan, and vcpackage.

I’ve written a guide on CMake package dependencies here.

  • How do you currently handle dependencies and builds in your system? Is this portable to other machines where you would like to use this software? If not, what do you need to change and why?

Build Options

  • option to add build options
  • if for basic control flow
  • configure_file to add a “configure file” which is typically header which has #defines for certain build system variables set with #cmakedefine or #cmakedefine01
  • target_add_sources to add additional source files to a library after the fact for example to compile in an optional plugin.


  • include(GNUInstallDirs) and its associated variables like CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX, CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR , and CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR
  • install(TARGETS) to install your libraries and their export files
  • install(DIRECTORY) to install your header files and data files
  • include(CMakePackageConfigHelpers) and configure_package_config_file and write_basic_package_version_file to make your package importable by others

See this project for an example on how to properly expose a CMake dependency


  • include(CTest), BUILD_TESTING, and add_test
  • include(GoogleTest) and gtest_discover_tests for high quality integration of googletest based tests

CMake Magic Variables to reconfigure builds

  • CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE automatically configure optimizations like -O2 and -Og -g with settings like Release or Debug there are also other settings for RelWithDebInfo and MinSizeRel for small build artifacts
  • BUILD_SHARED_LIBS to choose between shared and static linking
  • INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION property enables IPO for faster optimizations

Enabling 3rd Party technologies

CMake provides most of what you want on its own, but a few tools are worth knowing about:

  • spack a dependencies manager for HPC software
  • connan and vcpackage a dependency managers more common in enterprise
  • ccache and sccache can be provided to CMAKE_<Lang>_COMPILER_LAUNCHER to dramatically speed up re-builds builds
  • ninja is a much faster project builder than Make. You can enable it with -G Ninja passed to cmake
  • ccmake a terminal user interface for setting cmake build options
  • clang-tidy and include-what-you-use for extra static analysis can be used by setting the <LANG>_CLANG_TIDY and <LANG>_INCLUDE_WHAT_YOU_USE
  • Doxygen for automatic documentation form the header-files of your project. Can be used automatically from CMake with find_package(Doxygen)

Important Concepts

  • PUBLIC, INTERFACE vs PRIVATE dependency and configurations
  • SHARED, STATIC, INTERFACE vs IMPORTED libraries. The later you will use directly only seldom but is used for find_package internally.
  • that target_* functions accumulate from everywhere they are used allowing code that adds specific features to be spread out
  • Don’t use globbing to add files to a build. List them explicitly for best performance

Debugging CMake

CMake can be obtuse at times. A few key commands can help:

  • --trace puts cmake into trace mode to print all calls made in a CMake build system.
  • CMAKE_FIND_DEBUG_MODE prints out extra information when finding a packages that can be used to track down how a variable was set. Newer versions have a flag --debug-find-pkg= which can enable this for specific packages.
  • message(WARNING ...) print a warning message to the console with the specified message can be used for tracing and viewing values of a variable at a point in the code

Advanced Topics

  • for, function, and macro for advanced control flow
  • execute_process for when you just need to run a script
  • CUDA and other accelerator language support

Where to learn more


  • 2023-02-09 linked to other cmake resources added section on debugging
  • 2023-01-09 Added basic usage example
  • 2022-11-15 Created