libpressio 0.93.0
stability: stable
thread_safety: multiple
computes the 1d autocorrelation
type: data
unset by default
description: the 1d autocorrelation
type: uint64
default: <uint64> = 100
description: how many autocorrelation lags to compute
stability: stable
thread_safety: multiple
measures the number of values that exceed an absolute threshold
type: uint64
default: <uint64> = 0
description: the number of clips that occur
type: double
default: <double> = 0.0001
description: threshold for error
type: double
default: <double> = 0.0001
description: threshold for error
stability: stable
thread_safety: multiple
meta-metric that runs a set of metrics in sequence
type: double
unset by default
description: compression rate for the compress method, activated by size and time (kB/s)
type: double
unset by default
description: compression rate for the compress_many method, activated by size and time (kB/s)
type: double
unset by default
description: decompression rate for the compress method, activated by size and time (kB/s)
type: double
unset by default
description: decompression rate for the compress_many method, activated by size and time (kB/s)
type: char*[]
default: <char*[]> = {}
description: the names to use for the constructed metrics plugins
type: char*[]
default: <char*[]> = {}
description: plugins used for gathering metrics
type: char*[]
default: <char*[]> = {}
description: a lua script used to compute metrics from other metrics that have been previously computed
stability: stable
thread_safety: multiple
computes statistics about the gaps between adjacent values
type: double
unset by default
description: the maximum gap
type: double
unset by default
description: the mean gap
type: double
unset by default
description: the minimum gap
stability: stable
thread_safety: multiple
computes a histogram of the error distribution
type: data
unset by default
description: the counts for the histogram bins
type: double
unset by default
description: the width of an interval in the histogram
type: double
unset by default
description: the largest difference observed
type: double
unset by default
description: the smallest difference observed
type: uint64
default: <uint64> = 2000
description: the number of intervals to use in the histogram
stability: stable
thread_safety: multiple
computes the entropy of the input data and output data
type: double
unset by default
description: the entropy of the decompressed data (shannon)
type: double
unset by default
description: the entropy of the input data (shannon)
stability: stable
thread_safety: multiple
Basic error statistics that can be computed in in one pass
type: double
unset by default
description: the average difference
type: double
unset by default
description: the average absolute difference
type: double
unset by default
description: the range of the differences
type: double
unset by default
description: the range of the absolute differences
type: double
unset by default
description: the maximum absolute difference
type: double
unset by default
description: the maximum absolute difference relative to each data point
type: double
unset by default
description: the maximum absolute difference relative to the input value range
type: double
unset by default
description: the minimum absolute difference
type: double
unset by default
description: the minimum absolute difference relative to each data point
type: double
unset by default
description: the minimum absolute difference relative to the input value range
type: double
unset by default
description: mean squared error
type: uint64
unset by default
description: the number of input values
type: double
unset by default
description: peak signal to noise ratio
type: double
unset by default
description: root mean squared error
type: double
unset by default
description: maximum of the input values
type: double
unset by default
description: the mean of the input values
type: double
unset by default
description: minimum of the input values
type: double
unset by default
description: the range of the input values
type: double
unset by default
description: standard deviation of the input values
stability: unstable
thread_safety: multiple
metrics module that launches an external task
type: char*
unset by default
description: the command to use passed as a single string
type: char*
default: <char*> = "external"
description: string passed to the config_name option
type: char*[]
default: <char*[]> = {, }
description: names of the fields used when generating arguments
type: char*[]
default: <char*[]> = {posix, }
options: by_extension, csv, cufile, empty, hdf5, iota, mmap, noop, numpy, petsc, posix, select
description: io formats used to write out data buffers
type: char*
default: <char*> = "forkexec"
options: forkexec, mpispawn, remote
description: launch methods to use with the external metric
type: char*[]
default: <char*[]> = {, }
description: prefix to use in generated temporary file names
type: char*[]
default: <char*[]> = {, }
description: suffix to use in generated temporary file names
type: int32
default: <int32> = 0
description: use the begin_many/end_many versions for launching the job when there is only one buffer
type: char*
default: <char*> = "."
description: directory to launch the external process in
type: int32
default: <int32> = 1
description: disables the writing of all inputs
type: int32
default: <int32> = 1
description: disables the writing of all ouputs
stability: unstable
thread_safety: single
records metrics results after designated events
type: char*[]
default: <char*[]> = {}
options: check_options, compress, compress_many, decompress, decompress_many, get_configuration, get_documentation, get_options, set_options, clone
description: what events should trigger a record event
type: uint64
default: <uint64> = 0
description: the current index for this repetition
type: char*
default: <char*> = "noop"
options: autocorr, clipping, composite, data_gap, diff_pdf, entropy, error_stat, external, historian, input_stats, kl_divergence, ks_test, kth_error, mask, memory, noop, pearson, print_options, printer, rcpp, region_of_interest, size, spatial_error, time, write_debug_inputs
description: what metrics should be recorded by the metric
stability: stable
thread_safety: multiple
records the sizes and types of inputs
type: data
default: <data> = data{ type=byte dims={} has_data=false}
description: sizes of compress inputs
type: data
default: <data> = data{ type=byte dims={} has_data=false}
description: types of compression inputs
type: data
default: <data> = data{ type=byte dims={} has_data=false}
description: sizes of compress outputs
type: data
default: <data> = data{ type=byte dims={} has_data=false}
description: types of compression outputs
type: data
default: <data> = data{ type=byte dims={} has_data=false}
description: sizes of decompress inputs
type: data
default: <data> = data{ type=byte dims={} has_data=false}
description: types of decompression inputs
type: data
default: <data> = data{ type=byte dims={} has_data=false}
description: sizes of decompress outputs
type: data
default: <data> = data{ type=byte dims={} has_data=false}
description: types of decompression outputs
stability: stable
thread_safety: multiple
Kullback–Leibler divergence
type: double
unset by default
description: relative entropy of p given q
type: double
unset by default
description: relative entropy of q given p
stability: stable
thread_safety: multiple
Kolmogorov–Smirnov test for difference in distributions
type: double
unset by default
description: the test statistic
type: double
unset by default
description: the p-value of the test statistic
stability: stable
thread_safety: multiple
computes the kth order statistic
type: double
unset by default
description: the kth order error
stability: stable
thread_safety: multiple
applies to mask to keep only interesting values
type: data
default: <data> = data{ type=byte dims={} has_data=false}
description: the mask to apply; the mask has 1 on values to include
type: char*
default: <char*> = "noop"
description: the metrics to compute after applying the mask
stability: stable
thread_safety: multiple
uses getrusage to record memory usage
type: uint64
unset by default
description: memory used in bytes by check options
type: uint64
unset by default
description: memory used in bytes by compress
type: uint64
unset by default
description: memory used in bytes by compress_many
type: uint64
unset by default
description: memory used in bytes by decompress
type: uint64
unset by default
description: memory used in bytes by decompress_many
type: uint64
unset by default
description: memory used in bytes by get options
type: uint64
unset by default
description: memory used in bytes by set options
stability: stable
thread_safety: multiple
a metric that does nothing
stability: stable
thread_safety: multiple
computes the Pearson's coefficient of correlation and determination
type: double
unset by default
description: the Pearson's coefficient of correlation
type: double
unset by default
description: the Pearson's coefficient of determination
stability: stable
thread_safety: multiple
prints options passed to set_options in a human readable form
stability: stable
thread_safety: multiple
metric that records the operations preformed
type: char*[]
default: <char*[]> = {}
description: log of operations preformed on this metrics object
stability: external
thread_safety: single
Runs a R program to compute a metric
type: char*[]
default: <char*[]> = {}
description: names of variables to pull from the R environment
type: char*
default: <char*> = ""
description: script to evaluate with R
type: int32
default: <int32> = 0
description: run the metrics with the _many versions of compress and decompress
stability: unstable
thread_safety: multiple
computes the sum and average of a region of interest
type: double
unset by default
description: arithmetic mean of the region of interest for the decompressed buffer
type: double
unset by default
description: sum of the region of interest for the decompressed buffer
type: double
unset by default
description: arithmetic mean of the region of interest for the input
type: double
unset by default
description: sum of the region of interest for the input
type: data
default: <data> = data{ type=uint64_t dims={} has_data=false}
description: index of the ending location for the region of interest
type: data
default: <data> = data{ type=uint64_t dims={} has_data=false}
description: index of the starting location for the region of interest
stability: stable
thread_safety: multiple
captures the size of compressed buffers
type: double
unset by default
type: uint64
unset by default
description: compressed size in bytes
type: double
unset by default
description: uncompressed_size/compressed_size
type: uint64
unset by default
description: decompressed_size in bytes
type: uint64
unset by default
description: uncompressed size in bytes
stability: stable
thread_safety: multiple
Computes the Spatial Error Percentage – the percentage of elements that exceed some threshold
type: double
unset by default
description: percentage of elements that exceed the threshold
type: double
default: <double> = 0.01
description: threshold for triggering spatial_error
stability: stable
thread_safety: multiple
records time used in each operation in ms
type: uint32
unset by default
description: time for child's begin_check_options (ms)
type: uint32
unset by default
description: time for child's begin_compress (ms)
type: uint32
unset by default
description: time for child's begin_compress_many (ms)
type: uint32
unset by default
description: time for child's begin_decompress (ms)
type: uint32
unset by default
description: time for child's begin_decompress_many (ms)
type: uint32
unset by default
description: time for child's begin_get_configuration (ms)
type: uint32
unset by default
description: time for child's begin_get_options (ms)
type: uint32
unset by default
description: time for child's begin_set_options (ms)
type: uint32
unset by default
description: time in check_options (ms)
type: uint32
unset by default
description: time in compress (ms)
type: uint32
unset by default
description: time in compress_many (ms)
type: uint32
unset by default
description: time in decompress (ms)
type: uint32
unset by default
description: time in decompress_many (ms)
type: uint32
unset by default
description: time for child's end_check_options (ms)
type: uint32
unset by default
description: time for child's end_compress (ms)
type: uint32
unset by default
description: time for child's end_compress_many (ms)
type: uint32
unset by default
description: time for child's end_decompress (ms)
type: uint32
unset by default
description: time for child's end_decompress_many (ms)
type: uint32
unset by default
description: time for child's end_get_configuration (ms)
type: uint32
unset by default
description: time for child's end_get_options (ms)
type: uint32
unset by default
description: time for child's end_set_options (ms)
type: uint32
unset by default
description: time in get configuration (ms)
type: uint32
unset by default
description: time in get options (ms)
type: uint32
unset by default
description: time in set options (ms)
type: char*
default: <char*> = "noop"
description: time a child metrics plugin (ms)
stability: stable
thread_safety: multiple
write inputs to compress and decompress to disk for examination
type: char*
default: <char*> = "/tmp/"
description: base path where outputs will be written
type: bool
default: <bool> = false
description: display paths where outputs will be written
type: char*
default: <char*> = "noop"
description: format used for all data to be written
type: bool
unset by default
description: shortcut for write_input, write_output, and write_compressed
type: bool
default: <bool> = false
description: write_compressed data
type: bool
default: <bool> = false
description: write_input data
type: bool
default: <bool> = false
description: write_output data